2024-2025 USBC Playing Rules
Award Forms and Scholarship / Nomination Applications
Award Information & Forms
Everything you want/need to know about USBC awards can be found Here.
Need an application form for an ADULT 300/800 Honor Score award? Get it Here.
Shot a 900? Congratulations! Your application form is
Baker 300? Your application form is Here.
Need the USBC application form for a YOUTH 300/800 or 11-in-a-row High Score award? Get it Here.How about a California State YOUTH Honor Awards form (300/299/298/700/750/800 or 11-in-a-row)? Get it Here.
Would you like a certificate for a award? Get it Here.
Information on North County USBC Association awards is Here.
Annual Association Membership Meeting
The 2024 Annual Membership Meeting has concluded. There were no changes to the Local or National Bylaws. We are now busy planning for 2025 meeting.As many of you know elections are an important part of these meetings. If you are interested in running for a Board of Directors position, or as a Delegate, the applications listed below can be printed and then completed and mailed. Or, if you have the Adobe Acrobat Reader program on your computer or phone, you can complete the application form on your device and submit it electronically. Eligibility requirements are noted on the respective applications. As it is permissible to run for a position "From the Floor," forms will also be available at the annual membership meeting. However, PLEASE try to provide the Nominating Committee members AT LEAST 24 HOURS NOTICE in order to validate your information and allow for any corrections and/or updates that may be needed.
Our Local Bylaws state that we operate on a staggered system (odd/even year elections). This means that half of the board positions are elected in odd years (IE. 2025, 2027, 2029, etc.) and the other half of the positions are elected in even years (IE. 2026, 2028, 2030, etc.). The term of office for all board positions is two years.
Elections for "Odd" year positions consist of the President, 2nd Vice President, Sgt-at-Arms and Director positions 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11.
Elections for "Even" year positions consist of the 1st Vice President and Director positions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12.
For those interested in joining the Board of Directors, the application Form is HERE.
NOTE: ALL members of the Board of Directors MUST have and maintain current USBC membership and RVP (Registered Volunteer Program) compliance throughout their term. Youth 18 and under are not required to have RVP. Newly elected board members have 45 days to complete SafeSport training and pass a background check to obtain RVP compliance. It is not required that an applicant be bowling in an association league, though it is HIGHLY recommended.
Yes. Yes. I know. I know. Why do you have to have USBC membership, etc., if you do not have to bowl? Because USBC says so. It's not a bowling issue, it's a USBC REQUIREMENT to be a Director on a board. Just as RVP and SafeSport are requirements. Even if centers are closed or leagues are not going, the Board is still working, and THAT REQUIRES USBC membership.
For those wondering why Board members MUST be RVP compliant, US Public law #115-126 says so. For those curious about the law (and are having difficulty getting to sleep) you can read ALL about it (317 pages) HERE.
Basically, Congress has mandated (codified) that the Governing Bodies of all amateur sports - USBC is the Governing Body for the sport of bowling in the U.S. - ensure that the the participants of their respective sport (youth in particular) be protected from bullying, hazing, harassment, predators, etc.. It NEVER hurts to have extra eyes looking out for the safety of our kids and our more senior bowlers.
In addition, elections for delegate positions to represent the association at the 2026 USBC National Convention and State Convention will also be conducted.
Delegates are elected at the Local Association Membership Meeting to a one (1) year term (August 1 - July 31) to represent the Local Association at the respective USBC Convention and/or the California USBC Convention for the following bowling season.
Delegate Nomination/Application
The dates and locations for both the 2026 USBC National Convention and the 2026 California USBC Convention have not yet been decided.Hall of Fame Applications
(Due by February 15th of the current bowling season)
Hall of Fame Code of Conduct
Lifetime Achievement | Distinguished Service | Meritorious Service | Superior Performance |