North County USBC Association #82217

Serving Bowlers in North San Diego County, California     (714) 322-2780

Important Information for ALL League Secretaries

Making things work better

We need your assistance in making your NCUSBCA Board of Directors work the best for you and your bowlers. Please tell your bowlers that board members are always available to assist the bowlers and league by answering their questions and helping with their needs! If you want to have an association board representative attend one of your league organizational or regular meetings please invite us. We are here to assist you and we don't charge a fee, EVER. Ask your bowlers to attend the Annual Open Meeting. We need to know what they are thinking and what they would like to see happen. If they do not speak up, how can their voices be heard?

Information for the 2024-2025 season

The following link will assist league officers understand what they are responsible for to the members of their leagues. League Resources.

Duties of a League Secretary

All league secretaries please review USBC Rule 104de (Duties of the Secretary) in the USBC Playing Rules. If you do not have a copy of the USBC Playing Rules, you can download one HERE. There are also mobile copies for use on your Android, Apple and Windows devices. If you do not have access to the Internet please contact any Board member so we can get you a paperback copy. The following link will take you to a USBC page that can answer almost every question you may have (HERE). In addition, the League Operations Handbook is a great resource.

The following 6 items are VERY important to everyone involved:
  1. League Certification application: Please ensure that you specify the correct Lane Condition Designation (Sport, Challenge, or Standard/House) on your league certification application (based on definitions in USBC Rule 200a).
    And, as several centers have and are converting their lanes to the new "String Pinsetters," DO NOT FORGET to check the appropriate box for the "Game Format."

  2. Please ensure that EVERYONE who bowls in your certified league fills out a membership application card (COMPLETELY) and that the correct dues are collected for those who have not already paid.
    The membership application card MUST be completed and turned in PRIOR to completion of the bowlers 1st series in a league. This applies to ALL bowlers, subs included. If they bowl, a membership application card MUST be completed (as per USBC rules 16b and 101a - to name a few).
    The penalty for using the scores of a bowler who does not have valid membership, can result in those games and/or scores being forfeited.

  3. ALL membership application cards MUST be submitted to the Association Manager within 30 days. Likewise, all League Certification applications MUST be submitted to the Association Manager within 30 days of the start of the league.

  4. For ALL 300 games and 800 series, Baker team game of 300, or a qualifying National Team High Game or Series, should notify the local association/league processor within 48 hours and submit a completed high score award to the association manager within 20 days of the achievement. ALL 900 Series, 300 Baker team game and National Team High Game and Series applications are submitted directly to USBC Headquartersas per USBC rule 51e.

  5. Please submit ALL bowler averages to the Association Manager within 15 days of the end of the league, as per USBC Rule 104d.
    Note that all games and pinfall bowled for Sweepers and Position Rounds must be included in the computation of the bowlers average.
  6. As per USBC Rule 13; All individuals (under the age of 18) bowling in an Adult league or tournament MUST complete a Consent Form. In addition, as per Rule 101, if a youth bowler is approved to bowl in an Adult league, ALL Officers must complete the Registered Volunteer Program (SafeSport Trained and a background screening through NCSI). All participants 18 and older, must complete SafeSport Training prior to the next league session. ALL Adult bowlers in the league MUST be SafeSport compliant. AND, the league must be designated as an Adult/Youth league.

The cost of USBC Membership for the 2024 - 2025 season has not changed

The dues/fee for USBC Adult Standard Membership for the season (August 1, 2024 - July 31, 2025) is $27.00 for Adults ($15 National, $2 State, and $10 local). For Youth, the dues/fee is $11.00 ($4 USBC, $7 awards & expenses - otherwise known as an Administrative Fee). Local Association fees for ALL Non North County USBC members are $10.00 for Adults and $4.00 for Youth. Please be sure your league members pay the correct amount.
And, again, the Membership Application card must be completed before completion of the bowlers 1st series, and must be submitted to the local association within 30 days.

E-Mail Communication

All members of the Board of Directors want to find ways to improve the flow of information to League Secretaries and association Members. We are offering the option for League Secretaries and all NC USBC Members to sign up to receive e-mails announcing upcoming USBC and NC USBC tournaments, as well as other events or important league and association information. If you want to be kept up-to-date, please send your contact information to the Association Manager.
And, NO, we WILL NOT share/give/publish/divulge your email address. This is STRICTLY for us to get Association information to you and YOU to get information to us.

Contact us

The ENTIRE North County USBC Association Board of Directors looks forward to another exciting year. We are here to serve ALL the Bowlers of our Association. All day. Every day. If we can be of any assistance, please contact a member of the Board. Contact information for all Board members is available Here. Just click on the name of the person you wish to contact and send them an email. Or, if you see one of us in your center/league, say hi and tell us what is on your mind.

Your North County USBC Association Board of Directors