North County USBC Association

Serving the Bowlers of North San Diego County, California

Here's what is currently happening around YOUR association

Feb 8, 2025

Dec 2, 2024

Nov 11, 2024

Nov 3, 2024

Oct 27, 2024

Oct 15, 2024

Sep 6, 2024

Aug 5, 2024

Aug 1, 2024

Jul 31, 2024

Jul 30, 2024

Jul 26, 2024

Jul 24, 2024

Jul 20, 2024

Jul 10, 2024

Jul 7, 2024

Jun 10, 2024 - UPDATE!

Apr 27, 2024

Apr 27, 2024 - UPDATE!

Apr 8, 2024

Mar 27, 2024 - UPDATE!

Mar 21, 2024

Feb 23, 2024

  • NEW LEAGUE forming - A Senior Doubles league is forming for Bowlero San Marcos on Friday mornings. The flyer with details is HERE.

Feb 14, 2024

  • The entry form for the NC USBC Open & Women's tournaments is HERE, as well as on the Tournaments page.

Feb 8 , 2024

  • Official results of the latest 200 500 600 club tournament are HERE, as well as on the 200 Club page.
  • The entry form for their next tournament (Certified Singles) is HERE.

Feb 7, 2024

  • It is with saddness that I pass along word that Mr. Sam Toro has passed away. Our sincere condolances to the Toro family. Sam was a recent inductee to our Hall of Fame. He was a very fine gentleman and will be missed.

Jan 6, 2024

  • Official results of the latest 200 500 600 club tournament are HERE, as well as on the 200 Club page.
  • The entry form for their next tournament is HERE.

Nov 6, 2023

  • Official results of the latest 200 500 600 club tournament (Turkey Shoot) are HERE, as well as on the 200 Club page.
  • The entry form for their 13th Annual Christmas tournament is HERE.

Nov 5, 2023

  • Congratulations to Jim Worrell on his 300 in the Vegas Funtime league at Bowlero.

Oct 25, 2023

  • The Official results of the latest SDCSDBC tournament, held in Las Vegas, can be found HERE for the Div A No Tap results, HERE for the Div B No Tap results, and HERE for the tournament results.
    The NEXT 200 500 600 club tournament entry form can be found HERE.

Oct 8, 2023

  • The Official results of the latest 200 500 600 club tournament are HERE.
    The NEXT 200 500 600 club tournament entry form can be found HERE.
  • Woo Hoo - Congratulations to Matt Wharton on ANOTHER 300. And we MUST congratulate Mike Carella. After a LONG wait he has FINALLY shot his FIRST 800. A very beautiful piece of work. With games of 299, 267 & 280 for a series of 846. Very well done Mike and welcome to the 800 club.

Sep 16, 2023

  • The Official results of the latest SDSDBC tournament are up.

Sep 9, 2023

  • The results of the 200-500-600 Clubs Scotch Doubles tournament are up.

Aug 13, 2023

  • The results of the Aug 12th 200-500-600 Clubs 40 Frame Game tournament are up on their respective pages. Also, their next event, the 4 game "Scotch Doubles" tournament entry form (scheduled for Sep 9th at Surf Bowl) is also up and available there.

Aug 1, 2023

  • Well, as we begin a new bowling season, get a jump on things and purchase your 2023-2024 USBC membership card NOW, online, via USBC has updated their membership portal, and it works GREAT!!! You can find the link HERE. You can wait until your league starts but then you have to keep track of your paper receipt until your card arrives, etc., etc., etc. The price is the same regardless but the BEST and QUICKEST option is by paying for it online through and it shows IMMEDIATELY. I did mine today at 2:26 PM and immediately did a bowler lookup, and there it was, updated! And I even printed a copy of my new card for my wallet. It doesn't get much easier or faster. They even sent me an IMMEDIATE email to welcome me and to confirm my payment. WELL DONE USBC, WELL DONE!!!
  • The new 2023-2024 USBC Playing Rules book is HERE.

Jul 23, 2023

  • The Association Annual Membership Meeting has come to a close. Highlights of the meeting were the inductions of Mr. Sam Toro & Mr. Travis Smithers into the NC USBC Hall of Fame - Lifetime Achievement category. Mr. Michael Cultrera was inducted earlier (Jul 11th) as he could not attend this meeting because he was attending his High School reunion. Congratulations to all 3 gentlemen. Well deserved.
    As for elections to the Board of Directors - Tim Smith was elected to be the next President (Bruce Pederson is completing his term), Skip Wiands as 2nd Vice President, Michael Gomez as Sgt-at-Arms , Matthew Jacyna and Erin Lipka were all reelected to their respective positions. Mr. Stan Dyer was nominated from the floor and elected to fill Director position #3. All board positions are for 2 years and start August 1st, 2023.
    As for the Delegate elections - Mr. Mike Gomez & Mr. Ross LaBar were elected as delegates to the 2024 USBC Annual Convention and Meeting scheduled for April 22-25, 2024 in Las Vegas. Mr. Matt Jacyna & Ms. Erin Lipka were elected as Alternate delegates.
    As for the elections to the 2024 California USBC Annual Convention and Meeting scheduled for June 1 & 2, 2024 in Ontario; Mr. Bruce Pederson, Mr. Mike Gomez & Mr. Ross LaBar were elected as delegates. Mr. Matt Jacyna & Ms. Erin Lipka were elected as Alternate delegates.
  • On another note, the Mira Mesa Avocado 200 Club is having a tournament on Saturday, August 19th at Mira Mesa Lanes. They have invited ALL Men & Women. The entry fee is $40. Check in starts at 11 AM. Everything else you want to know is on the flyer which can be found HERE.

Jul 13, 2023

  • Finally... the flyer for the upcoming Association Annual Membership Meeting (Sunday, 7/23/23 @ 11:30 AM) is HERE.
    Same location as last year - The Old Spaghetti Factory in San Marcos. I realize this is a bit of a short notice but PLEASE try to be there. It should be short as there only appears to be 1 signigicant item to discuss and vote upon, other than board elections and Delegates for next years conventions. That item has to due with a "Reciprocal Agreement" between San Diego USBC and North County USBC. Wherein the bowlers of our respective Associations can bowl in each others leagues without having to pay two (2) Association dues. Just the Association of record for the bowler. This agreement, if passed, would NOT apply to any tournaments. San Diego USBC's board has not voted to approve that (tournaments).
    Come to the meeting to find out more. Want to run for one of the positions? Contact Ross LaBar at or (714) 322-2780 for more information.
    See you there!!!

Jul 11, 2023

  • Congratulations to Michael Cultrera on his induction into the North County USBC Hall of Fame (Lifetime Achievment). Well earned.
  • And... Congratulations to Marshall Degnan on ANOTHER 300 in the Abundance of Fun league at Bowlero San Marcos.

Jul 10, 2023

  • Finally... the Official results for the 2023 Association Open Championship tournament is up and available on the Tournaments page and HERE.

Jul 10, 2023

  • We would like to announce and welcome the election of Tony Parra as the new President of the San Diego USBC Association.

May 27, 2023

  • The entry form for the Association's Adult Open & Women's Championship tournaments is up and available on the Tournaments page and HERE.
    Get your entries in NOW and reserve your spot.
  • It is with saddness that I pass along word that Mr. Gerry Sagen, President of the San Diego USBC Association, has passed away. Our sincere condolances to the Sagen family, and to the bowlers of the San Diego Association. A very fine gentleman who will me missed but certainly not forgotten

May 25, 2023

  • OK. Our apologies for the recent outage of the website. I believe we have it taken care of. Please contact anyone on the board if you notice anything that is not working correcting. Thank you for your patience.

May 22, 2023

  • UN-official results of the San Diego County Senior Doubles Bowling Club's recent tournament can be found on their page.

May 17, 2023

  • For those who plan to attend the California USBC Hall of Fame Dinner (Sat, June 10th - Hotel Piccadilly, Fresno, CA), the form for you to complete to decide which meal you would like to eat as well as how to pay for it, is HERE.
    If you are planning to attend get this in by May 28th. Dress is "Dressy casual".

May 6, 2023

  • Results of the 200-500-600 Club's Certified Singles tournament can be found on the respective club pages, as well as HERE.

Apr 29, 2023

  • Well, the 2023 USBC National Convention & Annual Meeting concluded yesterday. Information and results on the elections and legislation voted upon can be found HERE. There were no changes to Playing or Tournament Rules. However one of the more interesting items announced was that USBC will certify string pinsetters and string pin bowling as an independent category of equipment and competition effective August 1, 2023. Now, when and IF that will be coming to a center near us remains to be seen.
    Next year's convention will be again be held in Las Vegas NV. I want to remind EVERYONE, that ANYONE can attend the convention and all the seminars & sessions. The only thing they can not do is vote. That is reserved for elected Delegates. So, Vegas is close. I highly encourage everyone to attend.

Apr 23, 2023

  • The 6th Annual Katie's Wish tournament - a GREAT tournament to support - is happening on June 4 at Parkway Bowl. The entry form is HERE.

Mar 31, 2023

  • The Association Queens & Masters tournament Champions have been crowned and the Official results are available on the Associations Tournament located HERE.
    Congratulations to this years Champions - Ms. Avery Domaquin and Mr. Michael Gomez.
    Queens: 1st Place Avery Domaquin, 2nd Chris Manier, 3rd Cindy Hopkins, 4th Dana Chandler, 5th Theresa Prutch, 6th Kaaryn Lundquist, 7th KaCee Costello
    Masters: 1st Place Michael Gomez, 2nd Don Pulliam, 3rd Shane manier, 4th Steve Yacconi, 5th Chris Giberson
    Congratulations to all the other bowlers as well. Thank you all for coming out.
      Avery Domaquin Champion       1st Avery Domaquin & 2nd Chris Manier         1st Michael Gomez, Assoc. President Bruce Pederson, 2nd Don Pulliam       1st Michael Gomez & Avery Domaquin, Assoc. President Bruce Pederson, 2nd Don Pulliam & Chris Manier
    Queens Champion - Avery Domaquin    Queens Champion & Runnerup             Masters Champion & Runnerup         Champions - 2nd Place

Feb 25, 2023

  • Entry forms for the Association Adult Masters & Queens tournament are up and available on the Tournaments page, Association Centers and HERE. Get your entries in EARLY!.
  • Also, don't forget the 200/500/600 Club's 40 Frame Game on March 11th at Surf. The entry form is on their club page.

Feb 14, 2023

  • Happy Valentine Day everyone! On another note, the USBC National Convention is fast approaching (April 24-27). There are several pieces of legislation that the delegates are going to be voting upon to include a National Bylaw; a State Bylaw; Three (3) League Bylaws; Two (2) league Rules and two (2) Tournament Rules. Some involve Averages, Forfeits and Changing Delivery. You might (SHOULD) read them and let your delegate know what your thoughts are on the proposals. The link on the page HERE. Your local association delegates to the convention this year are Mike Lucas, Karen Salazar and Steve Johnson. Let them know what your thoughts are and how you think they should vote on the legislation. They are YOUR representatives.

Feb 5, 2023

  • Results of the 200-500-600 Club Wild & Wonky and the Vegas Potpourri tournaments are up on the club pages - As is their next tournament entry form.

Jan 23, 2023

  • The California State Masters and Singles tournament entry forms are up on their page (October 14 & 15, 2023 @ Oak Tree lanes - Diamond Bar). And don't forget to get your entry form in for the State Open and Women's Championships (Rocklin) - Also located on the CA USBC web page.

Jan 22, 2023

  • The UN-OFFICIAL results for the San Diego County Senior Doubles Bowling Club's latest tournament are up on their page.

Jan 6, 2023

  • Just a quick note, if there is anyone who would like to nominate someone for our Hall of Fame, the qualifications and application are HERE.
    The deadline for submissions is February 1st.
    And while I'm thinking about it, if anyone has recommendations for changes to the Bylaws, please start getting them in so the legislative committee can get to work on your ideas. The current bylaws can be found on this page - HERE.

Jan 5, 2023

  • Well, here we are, off to start a new year. I trust that everyone had a safe, happy and healthy holiday season. I know that Marshall Degnan is starting things off happy. He just got his 1st 800 ring delivered.
    Marshall Degnan

    Click to enlarge image

Dec 22, 2022

  • MERRY CHRISTMAS to EVERYONE! Stay safe. Stay healthy. Enjoy the holidays with family and friends. And when the New Year arrives, here is your 1st tournament. The Wild & Wonky January tournament at Surf Bowl. January 14th, the entry form is HERE.

Nov 26, 2022

  • Well - I hope everyone had a GREAT Thanksgiving. Here is your 1st club tournament of 2023 - HERE. It will be held January 21, 2023 at Bowlero Murrieta.

Nov 12, 2022

  • Well - If I have computed everthing correctly - The OFFICIAL BVL qualifier tournament results are HERE. Congratulations to all the winners who qualified for and will be moving on to the Helen Duval tournament which will be held March 25, 2023 at McHenry Bowl in Modesto.

Nov 5, 2022

  • Quick FYI/NOTE: As there were no/0 entries for the 10 AM squad of the BVL tournament on Sunday, that squad has been cancelled.

Oct 27, 2022

  • Quick reminder --- The BVL tournament is Nov 5-6, 2022 at Bowlero - San Marcos. Get your entry in now. Click HERE. ALL entry money goes to support BVL programs within the state of California. Division winners qualifier for the CA State Helen Duval tournament held March 25, 2023 at McHenry Bowl in Modesto.

Oct 23, 2022

  • Adrian Rodriguez

    Click to enlarge image

    It is with TREMENDOUS sadness that I pass along news that Ms. Adrienne Rodriguez (shown here on the left) passed away last night. An association bowler and supporter for MANY years. Her devotion and dedication to the association was recognized by her fellow bowlers with her induction into the Hall of Fame in 2016. I am told that no public services are planned. She always had a smile with a friendly and kind word to say. She is, and will be, GREATLY missed. Our sincerest condolances go out to her family.

Oct 11, 2022

  • Hear Ye. Hear Ye... If you love bowling and are looking for a challenging position to keep you busy. We have just the thing. We are looking for an energetic individual who would like to assume duties as our association manager starting next year. If you are interested or would like more information please contact Mr. Tim Smith HERE.

Oct 2, 2022

  • HERE IT IS --- The BVL tournament entry form. Nov 5-6, 2022 at Bowlero - San Marcos. Get your entry in now. Click HERE. Money goes to support BVL programs within the state of California. This a a qualifier for the CA State Helen Duval tournament held March 25, 2023 at McHenry Bowl in Modesto.

Sep 6, 2022

  • You have ANOTHER opportunity to help ANOTHER very good cause and it is coming up November 19th. The 1st Annual Women Warriors Charity Event tournament at Bowlero - San Marcos. The entry form is HERE. Please read it for additional details.
    An anonymous Donor will be giving $50.00 per bowler to the Foundation for Women Warriors!!! Let's DO THIS!!!

Sep 1, 2022

  • You have the opportunity to help a very good cause and it is coming up next month. The 36th Annual Bowl for the Blind tournament at Surf Bowl. The entry for is HERE.

Aug 30, 2022

  • Woo Hoo. Congratulations are in order to Ms. Alyssa Knight. She is the 2022 California State Open Championship tournament CHAMPION , in the Women's Singles Handicap Division, with a score of 816 !!! Congratulations Alyssa.

    Also tonight, congratulations to Matt Wharton for his 300 in the Abundance of Fun league at Bowlero - San Marcos. Nice work Matt.

Aug 28, 2022

  • Well... the Annual Open Membership Meeting is concluded. Thank you to ALL of those who participated in the running of your association by attending and voting. And to all the winners of all those drawings - Congratulations!!!
    Also, a big thank you to Tim & Priscilla Smith, Dave & Tena Dunn, Skip Wiands, Michael Gomez, Andy Neeman, Monte Stratton & Howard Stiles, and everyone else for their donation of gifts for the MULTITUDE of drawings. Thank you ALL, so much.

    1st - Let me congratulate the two (2) gentlemen who were inducted into our local hall of fame.
    Mr. Mike White & Mr. Greg Gentry. Both for Superior Performance. Congratulation gentlemen!! Very well deserved and long overdue.

    Voting on the four (4) Proposed Amendments (PA's) to the association's Bylaws went as follows:
    B1 - A PA to reduce the size of the board by eliminating 4 (vacant) director positions was approved. Vote - 32 to accept, 0 to reject. Thus, the board now consists of 17 positions verse 21 (5 Officer & 12 Directors).
    B2 - A PA to change the "Stagger System" of elections to reflect the reduced board size was approved. Vote 28 to accept, 3 to reject.
    B3 - A PA to reduce the quorum number required to conduct a board meeting from 11 to 9 members was approved. Vote 29 to accept, 2 to reject.
    B4 - A PA to allow the board to conduct business via mail, e-mail or teleconference (COVID-19 restrictions taught us this) was approved. Vote - 28 to accept, 4 to reject.
    The new Bylaws are available on this site, under REPORTS The 1st Vice President position was up for election. As there were no other nominations, Tim Smith (incumbent) was elected by acclamation.
    Six (6) director positions were up for election. There were six (6) incumbents (Diana Shaw, Ross LaBar, Monte Cano, Priscilla Smith, Skip Wiands and Marlin Mullins. There were no other nominations. All six (6) were elected by acclamation.
    Delegates elected to represent the association at the 2023 USBC National Convention next April are: Mike Lucas, Karen Salazar and Steve Johnson
    I will post the results of the Delegates elected to represent at the 2023 CA State convention in June after I confirm a couple details.

Aug 10, 2022

  • National Bowling Day is this Saturday, Aug 13th. Grab a friend, or two and go throw some strikes. Get out there on the lanes.

Aug 7, 2022

  • The Annual Membership Meeting is fast approaching. This year it will be held on Sunday, August 28th at The Old Spaghetti Factory in San Marcos. Put it on your calendars. Come join us. Be a part of the team. Take part in the decision making. Tell us what you would like to see happening in YOUR association. Want to join the Board of Directors? Fill out the application (HERE) and get it in. Run to be a Delegate to represent the association at the State and/or National USBC conventions. All the membership meeting information is on the flyer, HERE.
    Or.... read this.
    2022 NC USBC Annual Membership Meeting

    Click on image to enlarge

    Yes. The cost used to be $10 for the meals. But you know how inflation is running and EVERY restaurant has raised their prices. Some places we looked at wanted $25.

    NOTICE: The restaurant needs a count of those attending so we REALLY need you to RSVP by Aug 24th if attending.

    Bring up the camera app on your smart phone like you are going to take a picture. Then just point it at the QR code (that funny looking barcode near the bottom left on the flyer) and press the QR code. That will popup the EASY RSVP form

    Try it. Click the image of the flyer to enlarge it and then point the camera of your smart phone at the QR code and touch the link on your screen. It doesn't get any easier.
    Don't have a smart phone? No problem. Use a friends. Any smart phone will work. Or, if you would prefer, email us with your name, USBC ID# and email address - HERE - and we will help make it happen.

Jul 28, 2022

  • The Vista Youth Bowlers Program has awarded $50 scholarships to many of the Surf Strikers youth program. See your name is on the list - HERE.
  • For those who want to stay up-to-date with the USBC Rules for the new season (which starts Monday, Aug 1, 2022), you can find all of the information (The new 2022-2023 Playing Rules Book and Chapter 4 Rule number modifications and a quick note of the rule changes effective August 1, 2022) HERE.

Jul 27, 2022

  • The OFFICIAL results for the Women's Association Championship tournament are HERE.
  • As a reminder... On August 1, 2022 USBC Dues increase by $2. The new Standard Adult Membership is $27 ($15 USBC, $10 NC USBC and $2 CA state). Don't say you haven't been told. And don't blame the messenger. This increase was anounced in 2016.

Jul 21, 2022

  • COVID has preempted our annual Association Open Membership Meeting for the past few years. But we are very pleased to announce that it is coming up soon (Official notice of the date, time and location will be posted soon). In compliance with USBC rules, this official notice of pending legislation to be discussed and voted upon at the meeting is hereby provided, HERE.
    This information will also be provided to League Secretaries and bowlers via additional means.

Jul 19, 2022

  • CONGRATULATIONS to Matt Wharton on his 299 shot in the Abundance of Fun league at Bowlero - San Marcos.

Jul 13, 2022

  • I am very sad to pass along word that Jenny Paschall has passed away. As a League Secretary, 200 Club President and Secretary she helped and befriended countless bowlers. Jenny and her husband, Ed, started the coffee club that is now bowled at Surf.

    Condolences to her family can be sent to:
    Wendy Whitmer
    13018 W. Meadowview Lane
    Nine Mile Falls, WA 99026
  • Notice:

    The USBC Board has rescinded the changes made to USBC rules in 2019-2020 which were instituted in response to the COVID pandemic. Effective Aug. 1, 2022, the following rule changes will be in effect:
    Rule 18 – Bowlers will no longer be allowed to use isopropyl alcohol to clean a bowling ball once competition has started.
    Rules 113a and 113b – The use of two lanes immediately adjoining each other will again be required to be used for league competition.
    Rules 320a and 320b - The use of two lanes immediately adjoining each other will again be required to be used for tournament competition.

Jul 9, 2022

  • CONGRATULATIONS are in order for Mr. Mike Lucas on his induction into the California USBC Hall of Fame for Meritorious Service. After MANY years of service to our local association, leagues and tournaments; for the past 16 years he has been on the CA USBC Board of Directors serving on all committees. He was inducted into our local association (Palomar Bowling Association) Hall of Fame in 1994. And for those who know him, this elite left hander is STILL a fierce competitor on the lanes. Congratulations Mike. Well deserved.

Jun 15, 2022

  • With great sadness, I pass along word that Rima Malinoski has passed away. I will provide additional details as they become available. A Celebration of Life ceremony will take place on Wednesday, June 29, 2022. It will be at Skyline Church, Lakeside Campus, 9455 Los Coches Rd. The notice is HERE.

May 30, 2022

  • Hello everyone. I'd like to pass along word of an upcoming tournament - Katie's Wish - that is going to be held June 26th at Parkway Bowl. This is a worthy event to participate in. The link to the story of Katie Henderson (Santee) is HERE. The link to tournament information is HERE. And the Registration form is HERE.

May 24, 2022

  • North County USBC Association Women's Annual Championship Tournament

    Team, Doubles and Singles events - Bowl Team event on Saturday and Double/Singles on Sunday.
    OR - Double & Singles on Saturday and Team event on Sunday.
    One (1) squad for Team event and one (1) squad for Doubles and Singles, each day.
    Check in will start at 9:30 AM with bowling starting at 10:00 AM.
    The entry form is HERE. Rules and details are HERE.

May 8, 2022

  • Happy Mother's Day. To all of those incredible moms and mothers out there!!!.

May 4, 2022

  • Sorry for the delay sports fans. We wanted to ensure that the results were accurate. And thus, without further delay, The OFFICIAL results for the Association Adult Championship tournament are up on the Tournaments page. Or, you can just click HERE. Congratulations to ALL our winners. The manager is in the process of mailing out the checks.

Apr 21, 2022

  • UN-OFFICIAL results for the Association Championship tournament & Brackets are up on the Tournament page.
    THANK YOU to EVERYONE who turned out and bowled. We know it was a bit of a short notice but I hope everyone had a good time. There have always been and always will be issues that arise. But I think they were minimal. This was the first association tournament in a LONG time and we have many new board members that are getting up to speed on how to run tournaments. PLEASE let us know your thoughts on how to improve tournament operations. Send an email to any of our directors, or if you see us in your center or league, let us know. And, a very special THANK YOU to everyone at BOWLERO - San Marcos for hosting and allowing us to have the tournament locally.

Apr 7, 2022

  • Just as a reminder ---- USBC National Membership Dues will increase by $2.00 (From $13 to $15) for the 2022-2023 season. This is NOT a surprise. This was approved on April 29th, 2016 at the USBC National Convention. You can read the news release HERE. I know the timing is bad but, again, this was approved 6 years ago. The current $13 dues went into effect 5 years ago.

Mar 20, 2022

  • UN-official results for the San Diego Senior Doubles Club's recent tournament (3/19/22) are up on their club page. Their next tournament is May 21st.

Mar 12, 2022

  • Results for the 200-500-600 Club's No Tap are up, as is their entry form for the April 2nd Triplex tournament.

Mar 4, 2022

  • Woo Hoo. The date and entry for the North County USBC Association Adult Championship is UP. MARK YOUR CALENDARS and SAVE the DATE. Saturday April 9th & Saturday, April 16th. It will take place at Bowlero - San Marcos. The Entry form and Rules are HERE.

Mar 3, 2022

  • It is with incredible sadness that I pass along word that R. Vic Landis has passed away. A 1994 Palomar Bowling Association Hall of Fame inductee and LONG time association bowler (He was Chairman of the North County USBC Transition Committee that formed our association on March 5, 2006). He was a very talented man, a US Armed Forces Vereran, and liked by all who were priviledged to know him. I count myself as one of the lucky ones to have known and bowled with him. I will provide additional details if they become available. We miss you Vic.

Mar 2, 2022

  • BUSY night in the Magic Men's league at Bowlero - San Marcos. If you weren't shooting 280+... you were just hanging out. Let's see, 1st we have Matt Wharton with a 300. Then we have Mike Griffin shooting 846 (279, 289, 278). And finally we have Howard Stiles (754), Matt Wharton (736) & Richie Perez III (765) shooting a USBC Nation Team Scratch Series Award score of 2255 (762, 765 & 728). VERY well done gentlemen. Very well done.

Mar 1, 2022

  • Congratulations to Djourdan Stephen on his 300 game bowled at Bowlero - San Marcos in the Abundance of Fun league.

Feb 17, 2022

  • Congratulations to Domicus Perdue on his 300 game bowled at surf Bowl on February 9th. The video is on the "Honor Scores" page.

Feb 10, 2021

  • The San Diego USBC Association's Queen's & Master's tournament is March 6th at Mira Mesa Lanes. The entry form is available HERE and is also listed on our calendar. Check-in starts at 9:00 am, bowling at 10:00 am.

Feb 5, 2022

  • The 200/500/600 Club Scotch Doubles event results are up on the club pages.

Feb 2, 2022

  • It is with GREAT sadness that I pass along word that Mr. Jim Coates passed away on Tuesday, Febebruary 1,2022. I will provide additional information as I receive it.

Dec 31, 2021

  • Happy New Year's EVE everyone! We wish all of you a safe, healthy, successful and joyful new year. For those of you who plan to party tonight and KICK 2021 out the door, PLEASE do so resposibly. We want to see everyone back on the lanes next week.

Dec 18, 2021

  • The Association's 200, 500 & 600 Club's next tournament is January 8th at Bowlero San Marcos. The entry form is HERE. Check-in starts at 9:15am, bowling at 9:45am.

Dec 12, 2021

  • The 2022 California State Pepsi Youth Championship handbook is HERE. Let's get moving on getting our Youth bowlers entered and qualified. The entry deadline is Feb 18, 2022. District finals are Mar 19-20, 2022.

Dec 8, 2021

  • The Mira Mesa Avocado 200 Club is inviting everyone to their next tournament at Mira Mesa Lanes. The entry form is HERE. As I just got this entry form to put up, the online entry date has passed. HOWEVER, they are accepting walk-ins. Print it out and take it with you - Check-in starts at 11am.

Dec 5, 2021

  • Results of the 11th Annual 200/500/600 Club Friendship/Christmas tournament are HERE and on the Avocado 600 Club page.

Dec 1, 2021

Nov 29, 2021

  • Congratulations to Mrs. Vicie Lucas. It has been a long time coming, but she was FINALLY presented with her plaque and honored for her decades of service and commitment to bowling by induction into the North County USBC Hall of Fame - Meritorious Service category. For those who are not aware; she was one of the board members who helped form the North County USBC. And she was active within the North County YABA, Avocado Women's Bowling Association, WIBC, and one of the first local women to join the ABC.

Nov 28, 2021

  • The entry form for the 2022 CA USBC Adult Championship is up.
    It starts April 30, 2022 and is being held at Forest Lanes in Lake Forest (The online entry will be up soon).
    See the Tournaments page for more details.
  • Congratulations to Peter Driessel for his 300 game bowled in the Vegas Funtime league at Bowlero San Marcos.

Nov 24, 2021

  • From the entire North County USBC Board of Directors - We wish all of you a very happy, safe and joyous holiday season.
  • IMPORTANT NOTICE: The scams not only continue, the attempts always increase during the holiday season. The perpetrators are hoping that people will let their guard down as they focus on holiday shopping, visiting with family, etc.
    SO... If you receive an email asking that you to do something because the sender is unable to do so and is unavailable, PLEASE, check the ACTUAL email address (not just the name) of the sender to see if it matches the address of the person you know. And, as an added measure of security and peace of mind, call the REAL person on the phone to verify whether they sent the email.
    ALSO, if you get a text message that requests you click on a link, DON'T. If you get a phone call with a recorded message that asks you to call them, be very alert and cautious!!! If you get an phone call from a Police department saying something along the lines that they have a loved one in custody and need bail money, etc. and it must be done via gift cards, HANG UP!!!
    Typically, the vast majority of these scam attempts all revolve around getting you to purchase a gift card(s) and then giving the code on the back of the gift card to the person. DON'T DO IT!!!

Nov 21, 2021

  • Rules for the 2022 USBC Open Championship in Las Vegas have just been released. Of note by them is a correction that "Bowlers are responsible for verifying the accuracy of their averages, whether originally submitted by the bowler, team captain or others. If submitted average is lower than required and results in a lower classification, the bowler’s score is disqualified." The Rules can be read HERE.

Nov 18, 2021

  • Congratulations to Mr. Jim Seaman on another 300. Bowled in the His 'N Her's league at MCB Camp Pendleton. Well done Jim. And thank you for bowling it against me. The video of the last shot is on the Honor Scores page.

Nov 12, 2021

  • The 200-500-600 Club's 11th Annual Christmas Tournament is happening on Dec 4th at Surf Bowl. The entry form is HERE. NOTE there will be NO Walk in entries accepted. Entries due Dec by 1st.

Oct 30, 2021

  • Official Results of the San Diego County Senior Doubles Bowling Club tournament at Sam's Town are up on the club page. Congratulations to all.

Oct 06, 2021

  • Sadly, I pass along news of the passing of Larry Worrall. Larry held MANY positions over the years, at both the state and local level. Services will be held at 1pm Thursday, Oct 28, at the Riverside National Cemetery. More details can be read - HERE.

Oct 05, 2021

  • Congratulations to Justine Schmeiser and Steve Johnson. Presented with their plaques as 2019 California State Doubles Champions by California USBC Director Mr. Mike Lucas - HERE.

Sep 29, 2021

  • Congratulations to Matt Wharton on his 300 tonight. Bowled in the Magic Men league at Bowlero San Marcos. I'm waiting on the video Richie.
  • Also, Congratulations to Brandon Sophier on his 1st 300 game. Bowled in the Pins & Poker league at Bowlero San Marcos. The video is up on the Honor Scores page.

Sep 28, 2021

  • Congratulations to Russell Fitzpatrick on his 300 tonight. Bowled in the Abundance of Fun league at Bowlero San Marcos.
  • OK Sports fans. Here's one for all those creative bowlers out there. Want to have something unique, special and different for Halloween? Then check this out. Bowling themed pumpkin carving templates. The instructions are HERE.
    Send me pictures of your creations!!!
    And thank Mrs. Tena Dunn for the submission!!!

Sep 22, 2021

  • Results of the last (Sep 18th) San Diego County Senior Doubles Club tournament are HERE, and on the Club page.

Sep 12, 2021

  • Results of yesterday's 200/500/600 Club No-Tap tournament are HERE, and on the Club pages.

Sep 11, 2021

  • Congratulations to Marlin Mullins on his 1st 300 game. Bowled 9/10/21 at Surf.

Aug 30, 2021

  • Congratulations to Curtis Daniels on his 300 game. Bowled in the Monday Madness league at Surf.

Aug 29, 2021

  • The Fall season is upon us. Beat the rush. Get your USBC membership cards quick and easy by doing it online. Click HERE. Then click on the Join Now or Renew link. If you have had a USBC membership in the past and remember your USBC ID number, the system will find most of your information for you and you would only have to change anything that is not current (perhaps you have changed addresses). If USBC already has your birthday, it will be shown as "on file." Be sure to select "Standard Adult membership" as the membership type and enter the "North County USBC" association for whom the memberships fees are being paid through. It's ALL MUCH faster. You can check back in 24 hours and save an image/copy of your card on on your phone while you wait for the physical card to arrive in the mail.
  • For those new League Officers, and league members interested in the how things should work in their league, here is a really nice document that covers the duties and responsabilities that each position should be aware of, the USBC League Operations Handbook. So, if you are a new league President, Secretary, Treasurer, Team Captain, etc., give it a look.
  • If your league is having a meeting and you would like to have one of our directors there to help explain the new rules, etc., please invite us to your meeting. Send us an email and tell us when and where. We would love to answer your questions and assist your league in any way we can.
  • And just as a reminder for all:
    Membership cards -
    USBC is INSISTING that bowlers include their correct "Date of Birth" on their membership cards, or they will not be processed. I imagine that this is to ENSURE that your dues, awards, leagues, averages, etc. are properly recorded to the right person (There are so many people with the same name, and some may be in your association).

    And for league secretaries -
    • Pass out individual USBC membership application cards to each league member as they join and collect completed cards and membership dues.
    • Forward completed membership application cards, membership dues and USBC league application within 30 days of the start of the season to the Association.
    • Membership card applications and applicable fees for new members that join later shall also be forwarded within 30 days of receipt.
    • Check the application cards as they are returned to you. It is easier to find errors and have them corrected (remember that Date of Birth item) rather than to submit incomplete information, which could cause a delay in the member receiving their card.
    • If bowlers indicate they have paid in another league on the membership card, ask for a receipt, if they can not show a receipt collect the fees, they can be refunded upon proof of previous payment.
    • If bowler is NOT a member of North County USBC and are bowling in a North County USBC league, they MUST pay the local association fee of $10.
    • Have the bowlers carefully complete their home address (and apartment number if applicable) and national membership ID if it does not already appear on the card.
    • To improve communications, please make sure members include their e-mail addresses on the form.
    • Submit applications for awards within 20 days of the accomplishment to the association. Award presentations should take place before the entire league and as soon as possible after the feat is accomplished and the award is available. A long delay, such as waiting for the league’s season-ending banquet, can reduce bowlers’ excitement about earning awards and their appreciation of their membership benefits.
    • Turn in season-ending averages to the local association (within 15 days of the end of the league). This is how averages get uploaded to Averages must include ALL games bowled (Every single one). This includes roll-off, playoff and sweeper games.

Aug 22, 2021

  • Thank you to all the bowlers from both the North County USBC and San Diego USBC Associations who turned out to support the Welcome Back/BVL Singles tournament. And thank you to all the board members of the San Diego USBC for all their efforts and hard work to make it a success. I am told that more than 120 bowlers participated and over $2200 was raised. Congratulations to all, and THANK YOU!!!

Aug 21, 2021

  • Tomorrow is the last day of the Welcome Back/BVL Singles tournament. It will be conducted at Parkway Bowl in El Cajon. I know it's a long way to drive for most, but for those that are closer, please make the effort to support BVL. They deserve it.

Aug 18, 2021

  • Congratulations to Chris Giberson on another 300 game bowled in the 610 Scratch Trio league at Surf.

Aug 11, 2021

  • OK. The new and improved 2021-2022 USBC Playing Rules book is now available. You can view it HERE. Page 3 will tell you all about the new rules/changes that went into effect on August 1, 2021.

Aug 10, 2021

  • OK. The results for the Avocado 600 Club's 40 Frame Game are up. Visit ANY of the Club pages. In addition, the Avocado 600 Club August Newsletter is also available.

Aug 5, 2021


    It appears that (Like COVID-19) some things just are NOT STOPPING. I'm speaking of email SCAMS. EVERY board member I've talked to this morning has reported getting an email from what appears to be the board president. It has his name, but IT IS NOT HIS EMAIL ADDRESS. It asks them to preform a task - which in the end normally involves purchasing gift cards, or something along those lines, and then sending the serial # of those cards to the person (SCAMMER).
    DO NOT FALL FOR THIS. If you have questions, have doubts, not sure, whatever; CALL the person on the phone (FIRST) to verify if they actually sent the email. Chances are, if you check the ACTUAL email address it is from, it IS NOT the email address of the person you think sent it.


Aug 1, 2021

  • Just as a reminder for ALL League Secretaries: There is no increase in the USBC membership dues for the 2021-2022 season.
    The USBC fee for Adult STANDARD membership is still $25 ($13 USBC, $10 local, $2 CA state). This applies to all adult bowlers who are at least 18 years old as of August 1, 2021. Membership dues for youth bowlers is also unchanged. It is $11. Memberhsip is good from Aug 1, 2021 - July 31, 2022. You can pay for your USBC membership via or by completing the membership card provide by a league secreary.
    There is no reciprocal operating agreement between the North County USBC and ANY other association. As such, ALL bowlers joining a North County USBC sanctioned league who have paid their membership via any other association MUST pay the $10 association fee.
    This may change in the future. However, at this time (for this 2021-2022 season), the $10 fee is required from other association members participating in North County USBC leagues and tournaments.
    USBC membership dues are required to be paid before completion of the bowlers 1st series in the league or tournament play (as per USBC Playing Rule 101). Here is a quick link to the "League Secretary/Youth League Official Duties and Responsibilities". Membership cards, with applicable fees, must be turned in to the association manager, by league secretaries, within 30 days. Have questions? PLEASE, contact ANY member of the association board of directors. Contact information is available on the "Board of Directors" page underneath the "Association" menu above. Have a league meeting coming up? Invite a board member to the meeting to answer questions.

Jul 29, 2021

  • Next week begins the new 2021-2022 bowling season. With that, I have the following note from USBC:

    "Membership Card Date of Birth

    With the new WinLABS update coming on Aug. 1, 2021, all memberships now are required to have an accurate date of birth on their profile, or they will not be able to be processed. Please ensure that league bags are sent with messaging to remind league secretaries of this requirement.

    Ensuring accurate dates of birth is essential to keep up with compliance with SafeSport and USOPC mandates regarding adult/youth leagues and youth/adult interactions. Thank you in advance for helping keep your WinLABS and USBC databases accurate with member information."

    So... EVERYONE... when purchasing your 2021-2022 membership cards either online via Join USBC on or by using the physical cards that your league secretary will hand out the first night of league for the new season, please provide your accurate birth date.
  • League Secretaries - As your summer leagues wind down, please remember to get the averages and honor score forms in to the association manager. Awards forms need to be submitted within 20 days and league averages need to be in within 15 days of the end of the league (EVERY SINGLE GAME MUST BE COUNTED). Your winter leagues will be starting soon so don't wait to finish all the paperwork for the summer.
    A quick look at Rule changes for the 2021-2022 season are Here. I like the changes to rule 113c.

Jul 22, 2021

  • Just a reminder, entries for the Welcome Back/BVL Singles tournament event scheduled for August 8th at Mira Mesa close on August 1st. Entries for the event scheduled for August 22nd at Parkway Lanes close on August 15th.
    Get your entries in. It is going to be GREAT! And the drawings will be even better!

Jun 23, 2021

  • Congratulations to Chris Giberson on another 300. Bowled in the 610 Scratch Trio league at Surf.

Jun 17, 2021

  • Well, it seems there is a phishing email making the rounds. Basically it says something to the effect that there is something that you need to take care of and the person sending the email (that appears to be someone you know, BUT REALLY IS NOT!) is in a meeting and you can't call them. Blah, Blah, Blah. DO NOT believe it. DO NOT reply to the email just delete it. If you just can't resist and/or are not sure, pick up the phone and call the person you THINK sent the email and verify they sent it. It almost always involves paying money, in some form.
    Don't believe it. Don't fall for it.

Jun 12, 2021

  • The results of todays 200/500/600 Club Vegas Potpourri tournament are up and can be found Here, and on the 200, 500, and 600 club pages. Congratulations to all the winners.

Jun 04, 2021

  • OK. According to an email from Dawn Gorman at Surf, they will be opening on Tuesday, June 15th. They will have a short summer session for most of their leagues followed by a "normal" fall/winter session in September. Their Beer & Bowling Buddies Summer League will begin Friday, June 25th, starting with a league meeting at 6:15p to go over league rules with league bowling to follow. She asks that you notify her if you plan on returning for the summer session. The fall/winter schedule will be out shortly but she expects Friday, September 10th, will be the start day.

Jun 03, 2021

  • All righty then. The San Diego USBC, in concert with the North County USBC, is hosting a Welcome Back/BVL Singles tournament on August 8th at Mira Mesa and another on August 22nd at Parkway lanes. This tournament is open to ALL San Diego County bowlers. This is for a GREAT cause - helping the disabled veterans of California. Other than lineage, all money goes to help those that have sacraficed so much for all of us. But that is not to say that there are not prizes for participants of the tournaments.
    Go to the Tournaments page Here, and get all the information you need. And entry is SOOOOOO easy.
    NOW... Keep in mind that while the name of the tournament, as stated on the entry form is "Welcome Back/BVL Singles Tournament", THIS IS NOT the BVL Qualifier tournament that we are all more familiar with and is normally held in early November (around Veteran's Day). That tournament is still going to be held.
    Again; This tournament is a joint production of the North County USBC and San Diego USBC Associations. It is NOT the BVL qualifier tournament! But IT DOES raise money for BVL (Bowlers to Veterans Link) which - if you are not familiar with it - is a GREAT 501(c)(3) chairitable organization acknowledged and supported by USBC. You can read all about it on their website - BVL.ORG or USBC.
    PLEASE, do come and join us. Have a great time and help a GREAT cause. If you have ANY questions about the tournament or the BVL organization or its purpose or efforts, just ask any of our association board members.
    PS. There will be GREAT opportunity drawings for some really nice items.
  • Sadly, our association has lost another member - Larry McCann. Larry past away on May 30th, 2021 of cancer. A member of the Men's Palomar Bowling Association (forerunner to the merged North County USBC Association that we have today), he was a director and was the 2nd Vice-President. Larry bowled on the Beer and Beer Buddies league on Friday nights at Surf Bowl. He is dearly missed and we wish to extend our sincere condolences to his wife, Marta McCann.

Jun 02, 2021

  • Congratulations to Mike Griffin & Dave Clauss. Bowling in the Club 50 Seniors Summer 21 league at Bowlero San Marcos (on adjacent lanes), both rolled their respective 300 games in game 3.

May 30, 2021

  • For those that have not yet participated in the 2021 Open Championship in Las Vegas or the Women's Championship in Reno and participate in brackets, sidepots and/or jackpot offerings, it is strictly a cashless process this year (Credit Card, Debit Card or Prepaid Cash Card). NO CASH WILL BE HANDLED. Answers to your questions can be found HERE.

    For those of you who are new to brackets, etc. and want/need more information, for the 2021 Women's Championship in Reno you can read about them HERE. Unfortunately, the bracket forms for the Women's Championship do not appear to be available online.

    For the 2021 Open Championship in Las Vegas, if you don't want to feel rushed in deciding what to enter and then filling out your forms, here are the form(s) for
    Team Event, Doubles/Singles, and Century Doubles. And if you are new to brackets, etc. for the Open Championship and want/need more information on them you can read about them Here.
  • Word has it that Surf Bowl is planning to open around June 15th with some leagues starting the following week.

May 14, 2021

  • The 200/500/600 clubs are have a Vegas Potpourri tournament on June 12th at Bowlero San Marcos. The entry is HERE and on their respective club pages.

May 4, 2021

  • OK. Just got off the phone with Leatherneck Lanes (MCB Camp Pendleton). THEY ARE OPEN!!! (I could hear the pin setters racking in the background). Tuesday-Thursday 11am - 7pm, Friday & Saturday 11am-9pm. Now... to see if Pass & ID are aware of it and are issuing passes for base access.

Apr 29, 2021

  • Well... The 2021 USBC Virtual Convention is now over. In case you were unable to watch, they were all recorded. Sessions for each day can be viewed HERE.
    You can view the results of the 2020 legislative proposals that were voted upon HERE, or HERE. (I hope I have transcribed the voting results correctly).
    Results of voting on the 2021 legislative proposals can viewed HERE, or HERE. (Again, I hope I have transcribed the voting results correctly). The "APPROVED" legislation will take effect on August 1, 2021.
    In addition, Mr. Jay Daryman and Mr. Dennis Hacker were re-elected to the USBC Board of Directors. Mrs. Chrissy Lee was elected to her 1st term on the board. You can view their Bio's and a brief Q&A video of them HERE.

Apr 27, 2021

  • Today's sessions of the USBC Convention are now up on You can view yesterday's & today's, NOW! There is no charge or subscription required. Just go to

Apr 26, 2021

  • OK. The USBC Convention starts today. As noted before, this year it is being held VIRTUALLY. So ANYONE can participate in all sessions of the Convention with the exception of voting for candidates and legislation. You can watch/view the convention sessions (Typically 30-60 minutes in length), and send chat messages to ask questions. All you need to do is log in to BowlTV and you can view all of the sessions LIVE. Again, there is no charge or subscription required. You can go to to see the schedule of sessions, or find it via And if the day or time is not convenient, "the sessions will be available to view ‘on-demand’ at the end of the day. You can navigate to the Agenda tab, on, and look for the On Demand button on a session. Sessions will be available as soon as the production team is able to process them, typically within a few hours." Well... I am unable to find an "Agenda" tab. But the sessions are there ( as the Kickoff session is up and available. You just need to log into
    Also, as a reminder, back at the 2016 convention it was voted and approved to increase the USBC national dues by $2. They have announced that this will be applied/implimented for the 2022-2023 season. Thus, national dues are increasing from the current $13 to $15 next season (starting August 1, 2022).

Apr 18, 2021

  • And NOW... HERE are the Most Improved Bowlers for the 2019-2020 season.
  • OMG!. Guess what I have for you??? Remember the old Average Books? Well, we've gone digital. Yes, yes, I know, most of you look up averages on via their app. Well, that only shows a single persons average. What we have here is a PDF that lists EVERYONE who bowled in a North County USBC league last season - just like the old average books. The information is sorted by last name and average. So, without further adieu... the link is HERE. When I get everything ELSE done, I will try to make it a searchable form. But it will be awhile yet. It will be maintained on the Average Books & Sponsors page (under the Association menu). IF, your information is incorrect in any way, please contact your league secretary to ensure that they submit the right information to the Association Manager so the update can be made.
  • Woo Hoo - AGAIN!. Word is out that Leatherneck Lanes is opening on Tuesday, May 4th, under the standard Orange Tier restrictions (25% capacity). 10 lanes, up to 6 bowlers per lane. Tue - Thu 11am - 7pm; Fri & Sat 11am - 9pm; Closed Sun & Mon.

Apr 14, 2021

  • The USBC National Convention is being held virtually/online this year (April 26-29). We are less than 2 weeks away. EVERYONE can participate from the comfort of their own home, with the exception of voting on legislation (which is done by the delegates). Check it out. Get involved. See what new rules, programs, etc. are going to take effect on August 1, 2021. See and learn about the candidates running for office. Got questions? Send it to them ahead of time. The schedule is listed HERE. You can watch on, or check things out on USBC's website.

Mar 30, 2021

  • Woo Hoo. Let the fun begin!!! We now have word of a tournament in our area. The San Diego County Senior Doubles Bowling Club is hosting an event at Mira Mesa Lanes on May 8th. The entry form is HERE, and on their club's site.
    NOTE: You MUST be registered or you can not get in the door.

Mar 23, 2021

  • OK. I have learned that Mira Mesa lanes will open for league bowling on April 1st. That is LEAGUE bowling ONLY! If your name is not on the list of the league bowlers for that day/evening leagues(s) you will NOT be allowed in. No spectators! A list of the leagues, and whom to contact, is on their Facebook page. If you have a team ready or want to be added to a team please contact them. If you just have general league questions please contact Debbie Brass at 619 850-9114.
  • On another note - The California State USBC convention will be conducted virtually. It will take place on Sunday, June 13th, at 10am (Online check-in begins at 9:15am). Additional details are coming (video conferencing platform, etc.). Delegates are limited to 2 delegates per association. Each delegate will be required to be on their own device (no sharing).

Mar 8, 2021

  • WOO HOO. For those who are not aware, a group has purchased Mira Mesa Lanes and plans to continue the focus on bowling (Leagues, Tournaments, Youth, etc.). OUTSTANDING!!! For those of you who subscribe to Facebook, you can get more information on their page.

Mar 4, 2021

  • Well... it apears that Kearny Mesa has reached the end. They have announced that they will not be reopening. They join Mira Mesa that had announced earlier that their center was closing.